Monday, March 23, 2009

Pins & Needles

Here I sit on pins and needles, anxiously awaiting, with my stomach in knots, on a decision from the judge. Why knots you ask? I wish I knew. No matter the decision, there are certain things that will not change. I will still have to work to support myself and my son. I will need to either find somewhere to live or figure out a way to stay where I am. I will still be making all of the decisions in my household and I will still be responsible for paying the bills. Imagine that, I have no reason for my stomach to be in knots. I guess I'll go eat lunch then!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring- A Time of Renewal

I am really glad to see the first signs of spring, a time of renewal. I will go into this season a lot happier and lighter (literally and figuratively). My new life wil be filled with the joy and peace that comes from knowing that God makes all things new, in His time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice: Mourn With Those Who Mourn

The company that I love and have worked for for the past 15 years has had to layoff 500 people. I have watched many of my friends lose their jobs. My heart is broken for my friends, the bible says to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. Today, I mourn and pray. God is still good and he provides for his own. I tell that to them, but mostly I tell that to myself. I have prayed and continue to pray for my family and friends, this company and others like it, the politicians making the decisions that affect us all and the world that we live in. God have mercy on our souls and on our lives.