Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Not About Me

The other day my aunt Ramona gave a book titled, "Where Will You Be In 5 Years?" It is a small, yet powerful book that led me on a journey to my best future. In order to go forward, the book asks you to think backward first. I have to admit that I had a very difficult time with this. I have had so many painful things happen in my past that the last thing I wanted was to look back, but once I did, I didn't really see all of the bad things. What I saw, with great clarity, was all of the deliverance that God had bestowed upon me. For the first time I recognized how truly blessed my life is and how all of the things that had happened had made me the person that I am today. I now know that it really isn't about me at all, but it's about the grace that God has given me and the faith that he has placed in me. You see, God delivered me in order that I can help someone else, someone like me. Someone else that needs to know just how good He really is. Are you that someone?

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