Friday, March 12, 2010

It Could Be Worse

After a telephone conversation with my niece this morning, something occurred to me, it really could be worse. These past few weeks have been extremely trying for me. Work has been almost overwelming, but thank God, I have a job. My financial situation is really getting frightening, but God continues to provide. My oldest son has brought on himself (and on me) some serious trouble, but he is still alive and I can go visit him. At times, I am lonely and would love to have a companion, someone to share my life with, but God has provided great friends and family to keep me otherwise occupied and entertained. I have made some bad decisions and some poor choices as well, but my God is the God of mercy and grace and he has granted me forgiveness and peace. For that I am thankful. He is keeping me and His word says " I will perfect that which concerns thee" That means he will make perfect, everything that I am concerned about!!! Halleluiah!! Dem is shouting words!!! Oops! (Slipped back into ebonics). Selah

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