Friday, March 11, 2011


Because I had been struggling with so many problems or what the bible calls "diverse" trials, I made a decision to get back to doing the things that I had done in the beginning of my walk of faith. I decided that I would set my alarm clock for 5:00 am, rise early to pray and spend some quiet time with God. The only problem was that after making the decision, I absolutely could not get up! For some strange reason I would awaken around 4 am!!! I would force myself to try to get back to sleep and by the time I finally dosed off, the alarm would ring for my 5 am wake-up and I would be exhausted. So I ended up going back to sleep and not getting up again until time to get dressed for work. And then the guilt would set in!!. This morning in the shower, I had an epiphany!! It occurred to me that perhaps the Lord wanted to meet with me on His time and not mine, especially since He was the one doing the waking! So tomorrow, when He touches me, regardless of what the clock says, I will rise a great while before day and meet my father in the garden.

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