Friday, December 27, 2013
Looking In The Mirror! Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Yes, I know, the bad hair day hair. Look past that. Yes, I know, the pimple or the blotchiness of your skin. Look beyond that. When you look in the mirror, do you see that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Fearfully? One definition of fear is reverence or awe. Wonderfully? Definitions of wonderful are astonishing, marvelous, admirable, excellent, extraordinary! To sum that all up, you were created in reverence or awe and are astonishing, marvelous, admirable, excellent and extraordinary. That is the real you! Now, when you look in the mirror, what do you see?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Where Are You Today? Accomplished, Accomplishing or Send Help Now!
Where are you today? Have you accomplished your goals? Or are you any closer to accomplishing them than you were last year this time? If not, ask yourself this: what has hindered me or held me back? Once you discover what is was or God forbid, still is, for the remainder of 2013, work on banishing these things or people from your life for ever!
If, by the grace of God, you managed to accomplish your 2013 goals, congratulations! Now look around for the one that is saying, "Lord, send help now", the one that is still struggling and for the next two weeks see what you can do to help that person cross off a few items on their to-do list! It will bless their life and yours as well!
We still have almost three weeks left in 2013. There is still time, if you're willing. And why would you not be, willing that is?
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Groundhog Day
Have you ever had one of those days when you had the uncanny feeling of having done all of this before? You know what I mean, like in the Bill Murray movie Ground Hog Day? In the movie, Phil Connors, played by Murray, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again. The first time I watched this movie it blew me away! I said, "that's exactly how I feel, like I'm living the same stupid day, over and over again!" In the movie, Connors tries to take advantage of the situation to his own hurt, but for me, I made a decision, that everyday I would do something that I did everyday, in a different way. Basically, I broke my routine! You see, I had unconsciously fallen into a self imposed rut! I was on auto pilot and my life had become boring and mundane. Once I became conscious about what I was doing! I was able to change my day and my outlook! Something as simple as changing the route I took to work, gave me different view and along with it, a different thought process. How about you? Are you stuck on Ground Hog Day? Are you living a boring and mundane existence? Do you need help getting unstuck? Time to get "conscious"! Call me, I can help! I've lived this one already!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Relationships Have Benefits! - It's Not Just Who You "Know"!
It has been said, "it's not what you know, but who you know that matters" I will take that even further and suggest that it is not just who you know, but who you are in relationship with that really matters. Take into consideration, from the beginning of time, mankind has been relational. The bible states "and God said, let "us" make man in our own image. So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him. Male and female he created them. Had we not been created for relationship, he would not have created "them".
So, for relationship, we were created. Granted, to be in relationship with someone, you must first "know" that person. However, relationship goes beyond a mere introduction and a handshake. One definition of the word "know" is to understand from experience or attainment. How about this one, to have intimacy or intercourse with? Puts a whole new spin on this knowing thing doesn't it?
Relationship involves connection and affinity. So ask yourself, of all the people around you, are you in relationship with these people? Or do you just know them on a superficial level, like an introduction or a handshake. The definition of relationship is the state of being related, connected or bound to someone. A specific type of kinship or a better one, a passionate attachment. Instead of just getting to know this one or that one, consider creating deep and lasting relationships. It is not enough to be surrounded by people that you know. Surround yourself with those worthy of relationship! And reap the benefits!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
On Being Who You Are - Just Do it!
"Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining." - Anne Lamott The above piece of wisdom fell into my lap today and I am compelled to share it with those of you who, like myself, desire to move forward towards your destiny. I believe that when we are created, from the moment of conception, we already have within us everything we that we need to become that for which we were created. Granted, we are shaped and molded by our own particular circumstances. However, if we, at any point in time, discover who we are, and just be that, our lives would unfold like beautiful flowers. Look at the oak tree, from a tiny acorn, it was destined to be an oak tree, it does not have to try to be an oak tree, it just develops naturally. In the same way that we mature from birth to adulthood, if we allow them to, our gifts will mature. Notice, I said, "if we allow them". You were created for greatness. Go on the journey of discovery. Find out "who you are" and be that! Mark Nepo, said, "if you love to sing, you don't have to "become" a singer, just sing!" Are you a lighthouse? No need to run all over looking for boats to save, just stand there shining, boats will be drawn to you! Nike had a great campaign a few years ago, "Just Do it", that spoke volumes. And in doing, so you become who you already are!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
I Am Afraid! There! I've Admitted It!
If God, as the scripture says, has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind, where does fear come from? My first thought is that it comes from our adversary, the devil. This morning, I had a new revelation! We blame too many things on the devil! I discovered that fear actually comes from me! No, God did not give it to me, it is created in my own mind! It is a bi-product of my own thoughts. When I begin to contemplate my next big adventure, my thoughts usually go to all the things that I cannot do, don't know, haven't learned yet..etc. and poof! There it is full blown fear! Today, I had the opportunity to look fear square in the face!! I acknowledged it and then I sent it away! I used this same mind to look at my next big adventure in a whole new light, the light of power, of love and of soundness! These three allowed me to see all of the things that I am good at doing, all of the things I already know and even showed me where to find the resources for the thing that I don't know! And God smiled and said "by golly, I think she's finally got it!"
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Elephant In The Room Part 2
A couple of days ago I blogged about the elephant in the room and it's still there. Yesterday I forced myself to stop walking around pretending that the elephant wasn't there by having a conversation with one of my fellow associates about the elephant. We talked as women, we talked as mothers, we talked as human beings. When I introduced her to the elephant she said, "this whole mess makes me sad!" "Why sad?" I asked. Because, she said "there were two people involved and they were both wrong, of course Zimmerman was wrong, he shot an un armed teenager, but Gigi, why didn't Trayvon just go home?" My answer to that was "only Trayvon Martin knows the answer to that question and he is forever silenced, but I imagine the reason he didn't was because he had every right to be where he was, doing exactly what he was doing, perhaps he didn't go home because he was
"Standing His Ground". To that she was silent. And the elephant got smaller.
"Standing His Ground". To that she was silent. And the elephant got smaller.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Elephant In The Room
There is a heaviness in the atmosphere. Some are dazed, some numb and sadly enough, some are elated. The majority of "us" are angry. We go about our day trying to have a sense of normalcy. But deep in our hearts we know, things will never be "normal" again, or better yet, this is the new normal. We are all living in fear. Fear of living in this world we have created and fear of our lives, as we know them, being taken away. Remember this is life in an upside world, where wrong is right and right is....well, you know. The biggest case since The infamous OJ Simpson trial and there has not been one comment from my co-workers, some of whom I have worked with for almost 20 years. The elephant in the room? The verdict! No matter where you stand on this issue, in someone's opinion, you are standing on the wrong side. They say "Lady Justice" holding the scales is blindfolded because justice is blind, perhaps she covered her eyes because she did not want to see how we would mishandle her beloved justice. There is an elephant sitting in the middle of the room, every room and he has tears in his eyes! So do I!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Defeating The Spirit of Busyness Part 2
"In his writings, a wise Italian says that the best is the enemy of the good" -Voltaire
This morning I had yet another epiphany! The above quote came to mind as I sat in quiet reflection. It gave me another reason to defeat the spirit of busyness. As I consider my life, my daily goings and comings, I realize that I am involved in a number of really good things. My career and work as a credit union marketer, my service to my church, my continuing education, my involvement with the FCCA and countless other activities are all good things. However, when I evaluate these things in light of what truly brings me joy, I realize that as the quote above states, the best really is the enemy of good. Let me explain, God has a plan and purpose for my life, that is the best. The problem is that I allowed fear to stand in the way of fulfilling that plan. Instead of moving forward toward the things that He was calling me to, I retreated back to the things that were comfortable for me, all those good things. You see, none of these good things, with the exception of Algebra (and I wouldn't excatly consider that one of the good things, only a means to an end) were challenging to me. These came natural. Therefore, I busied myself with the good. Which, for a time, sufficed. But in the meanwhile, I gained weight, My skin broke out, my relationships suffered and I was miserable. The plan and purpose of God, taunted me, called to me and loomed like a spector. The best is the enemy of good because behind good is where I chose to hide. Today, I commit to, as my GPS puts it, recalculating my route. How about you? Are you forsaking best, to work on good? Does the spirit of busyness have you convinced that you are already doing enough? Or is your plan and purpose calling you to something more? Hmmmm....
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Threatened By Intelligence
My youngest son told me that one of his instructors, a Caucasian, female instructor, told the school administrator that she felt "threatened" by him. At first, I laughed! And then my parental authority kicked in and I asked "What exactly did you do or say to her to make her feel threatened?". When he explained to me the circumstances surrounding her making this statement, I realized that what she felt threatened by was his level of intelligence! My son had come face to face and was dealing with what most every other intelligent, well spoken black man has to deal with. You see, my son, Samuel, is very articulate. Sometimes to a fault. Even more so, if he is right. I can say this, because for 19 years I have been challenged by this very fact myself. He has the ability to express himself so well verbally, that he can make you think that you are wrong even when you are not.
It dawned on me that his instructor was not prepared for an intelligent response, what she expected was rudeness, anger and maybe even vulgarity, but not intelligence! To feel threatened, means to feel fear and so she should! An intelligent, educated black man is a powerful force to be reckoned with! Bravo Samuel!
It dawned on me that his instructor was not prepared for an intelligent response, what she expected was rudeness, anger and maybe even vulgarity, but not intelligence! To feel threatened, means to feel fear and so she should! An intelligent, educated black man is a powerful force to be reckoned with! Bravo Samuel!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Heart Full
This morning I woke up with a full heart! Was this morning any different from any other? Depends on how you look at it! For the first time God allowed me to see my heart as a vessel! I had never thought about it this way. I knew it was an organ, but a vessel? Hmmm. Today my heart is full of gratitude! I am truly glad and grateful to be here! Right here, right now! Is your heart full? And if it is, what is it full of? Love, peace, or God forbid, anger, malice or hatred? Or is it empty? Only you know, and maybe those you come in contact with! Your heart is a vessel, pretty much like a gas tank! What you fill it with is what pumps through out the system and propels it forward! Is your takeoff a little sluggish? Perhaps you are running on low octane (sadness, anger, malice), some vehicles require a Higher grade of fuel (love, peace, joy) and you know where the station is the get a fill up on these. Heart full?
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Crashed Down - Defeating The Spirit of Busyness
I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble! I got through all the pain! I didn't know my own strength - Whitney Houston
The words above came back to my remembrance after several weeks of crashes, stumbles and tumbles. Initially when I heard the song, I loved it because I could personally relate to every word of it. However, the more I listened, the more I began to realize that perhaps the reason for the crashes and the tumbles was that I was trying to walk it out "in my own strength". In the song, our beloved Whitney says her faith kept her alive, and I believe that, I am a witness that faith in God sustains! But I couldn't help thinking, but what keeps us from the crashes and the tumbles? And then I read this:
"He hath shown thee, O man, what is good and what doth the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God" -Micah 6:8
The scripture above says "to walk humbly". It does not say, "run humbly".
Are you as challenged by this as I am. Has your life become a whirlwind of "busyness"?
Once again I found my self going at break-neck speed, rushing and running through life to get to "the next thing", trying to be all, do all and have all. Because I was going in my own strength, I came face to face with my own frailty and mortality, a broken ankle and a totaled vehicle can take you there.
But because He loves me, God ministered to me this, "apart from me, you can do nothing! Continuing to do it in your own strength is to fail!"
Today, to defeat the spirit of busyness, I choose to "WALK" humbly with my God! How about you?
The words above came back to my remembrance after several weeks of crashes, stumbles and tumbles. Initially when I heard the song, I loved it because I could personally relate to every word of it. However, the more I listened, the more I began to realize that perhaps the reason for the crashes and the tumbles was that I was trying to walk it out "in my own strength". In the song, our beloved Whitney says her faith kept her alive, and I believe that, I am a witness that faith in God sustains! But I couldn't help thinking, but what keeps us from the crashes and the tumbles? And then I read this:
"He hath shown thee, O man, what is good and what doth the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God" -Micah 6:8
The scripture above says "to walk humbly". It does not say, "run humbly".
Are you as challenged by this as I am. Has your life become a whirlwind of "busyness"?
Once again I found my self going at break-neck speed, rushing and running through life to get to "the next thing", trying to be all, do all and have all. Because I was going in my own strength, I came face to face with my own frailty and mortality, a broken ankle and a totaled vehicle can take you there.
But because He loves me, God ministered to me this, "apart from me, you can do nothing! Continuing to do it in your own strength is to fail!"
Today, to defeat the spirit of busyness, I choose to "WALK" humbly with my God! How about you?
Friday, March 29, 2013
Get Off The Porch!!!
Sometime ago, I read a story about a man that had an old dog. All day the dog just sat on the porch and moaned! The man couldn't figure out why the dog was so sad! He had plenty of food, he had water and he appeared to be pretty healthy. But day in and day out he sat in the same spot and moaned! Finally when the man could no longer take the dog's moaning, he went out on the porch and ran the dog off of the porch. Much to his surprise, once he had removed the dog from the porch, he discovered the source of the dog's misery. There was a nail coming up from the bottom of the floor board of the porch! The poor dog was lying on a nail!
You may have some questions about this story, such as: How did the nail get in the porch? Why was the dog lying on the nail? Why didn't the dog just remove himself from the nail? ...etc. None of these questions really matter, do they?
I have a better question? Are you moaning? And if you are, is it because you're sitting on a nail?
Okay! Then:
I bet you feel better already!!
You may have some questions about this story, such as: How did the nail get in the porch? Why was the dog lying on the nail? Why didn't the dog just remove himself from the nail? ...etc. None of these questions really matter, do they?
I have a better question? Are you moaning? And if you are, is it because you're sitting on a nail?
Okay! Then:
I bet you feel better already!!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Don't Kiss The Pig!
Have you ever kissed a pig? I know most of you say you haven't, but you have! For me, kissing a pig is a metaphor I use for the things I know I shouldn't do, but end up doing it anyway! For instance, the piece of chocolate cake left over from the party. It beckons you, literally calls your name! Here 's where the metaphor kicks in, If you tell yourself, self, don't eat the cake, and you leave the room, unless someone else beats you to it, ten minutes later you will eat the cake! Next time you're faced with cake, try this on for size, say to yourself, Don't Kiss The Pig! That piece of chocolate cake doesn't look quite as appetizing does it? Sometimes it works. BTW a pig's snout isn't half bad! I did say, sometimes it works!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Grace And Mercy Abounds!
As I sit here putting pen to paper, well, actually...let me re-phrase that. As I sit here, putting fingers to keys and words on the screen, I know that grace and mercy abounds. The reason I know that grace and mercy abounds is because for the fifth time, yes, fifth time, I entered a college classroom and took my seat. I was able to enter that doorway again because it had not been shut. God had left it open for me because He promised to give me the desires of my heart. College degree? Way high on the list! Notice I said the door was left open, I still had to walk through it! I still had to put forth the effort and the energy to show up! Faith without works is dead!
As I sat there, I could see her smiling, cheering me on! Saying, "you can do it G, I have faith in you!"
Who is she? My mother, you see, He made a promise to me, and I made a promise to her, one I intend to keep! By the way, He is also giving her the desires of her heart!
What are your heart's desires? What has He promised you? Claim the promises of God and receive all that He has for you!
Because He is no respecter of persons, grace and mercy abounds for you as well!
Writers write!
As I sat there, I could see her smiling, cheering me on! Saying, "you can do it G, I have faith in you!"
Who is she? My mother, you see, He made a promise to me, and I made a promise to her, one I intend to keep! By the way, He is also giving her the desires of her heart!
What are your heart's desires? What has He promised you? Claim the promises of God and receive all that He has for you!
Because He is no respecter of persons, grace and mercy abounds for you as well!
Writers write!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Still Standing or Standing Still?
I am grateful that my feet are firmly planted and I am still standing! As soon as I wrote these words, I heard this "are you still standing or are you standing still?" Is there a difference I asked? Yes, there is a difference. In this context, to be still standing means that although you have endured many tests and trials, the wind has blown and the billows have rolled, you have maintained your vertical stance and are still upright. Standing still, on the other hand, means that there is no movement or progression, you are in a fixed position. Perception is everything, While I am grateful that I am still standing, this is not my season to stand still. I am moving forward towards all that God has planned for me, How about you? Do you know what season you are in? Are you still standing? better yet, are you standing still?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
From Hosanna to Crucify Him! Going from Praise to Persecution!
This Palm Sunday I am reminded that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ went from praise to persecution! We say "surely these were not the same people, the praisers and the persecutors", however, these were one and the same. Therefore, be careful how you handle praise, it could quickly turn into something else!
And The Rain Kept Pouring
It rained all day yesterday! And I was out in it! Because I had to be out and about, I bemoaned the rain! "Why doesn't it stop already!" I whined and complained! The traffic was bad, there were accidents everywhere ...and yet the rain kept pouring! I finally made my way home, exhausted and soggy! Once inside, I put on my pajamas, my fluffy robe and my socks and made myself a cup of tea.
I sat down with my tea and my book and looked outside, the rain was still pouring, but somehow it look differently from inside. I was dry, warm, comfortable, safe, and at peace on the inside. Gone was the complaining, whining tirade. But it was still raining on the outside.
Using the rain as a metaphor for life, it is possible to remain warm, comfortable, at peace and safe on the inside when it is raining on the outside, or better yet, when all hell is breaking loose in your life? is it possible to be at peace on the inside, in your heart and mind?
I think the answer lies in the way we view the rain. Consider this, the rain is temporary. As are many of the difficulties in life. Even when the rain comes, we still have choices, we can entertain the rain by choosing to go out and about or we can wait it out and let it pass! Same in life, because as we know "this too shall pass and trouble don't last always!"
The blessing is, you get to choose how to handle the rain! How do you choose to handle the rain?
I sat down with my tea and my book and looked outside, the rain was still pouring, but somehow it look differently from inside. I was dry, warm, comfortable, safe, and at peace on the inside. Gone was the complaining, whining tirade. But it was still raining on the outside.
Using the rain as a metaphor for life, it is possible to remain warm, comfortable, at peace and safe on the inside when it is raining on the outside, or better yet, when all hell is breaking loose in your life? is it possible to be at peace on the inside, in your heart and mind?
I think the answer lies in the way we view the rain. Consider this, the rain is temporary. As are many of the difficulties in life. Even when the rain comes, we still have choices, we can entertain the rain by choosing to go out and about or we can wait it out and let it pass! Same in life, because as we know "this too shall pass and trouble don't last always!"
The blessing is, you get to choose how to handle the rain! How do you choose to handle the rain?
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Look Within, There is Greatness There!
There is greatness in you! What? You didn't know? Think about it for a minute, you have the ability to bring new life into the world. Is that not greatness? You get to mold and shape the future with your heart and your hands? Is that not greatness? Who told you that you were less than? They lied! Was it you? Have you convinced yourself that you can't? There is greatness in you and the sooner you recognize it the better your life will become! Come to think of it, the better the world will become. We are waiting for it! What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Stay The Course!
Stay the course! That's right! I said it, stay the course! You already know that the path has been set. You have already received your marching orders! Now is not the time to "get weary in well doing"! Tuck your tail, bow your head and plow through! You can do this because you were called for such a time as this! The only way you will fail is if you quit! Stay the course!
Is this for you? If it is, then what are you going to do?
Stay The Course!
The race is not given to the swift, nor to the the strong, but to him that endures until what? The end!
Stay The Course!
There are quitters all around you, but guess what? You're not one of them!
Stay The Course!
Is this for you? If it is, then what are you going to do?
Stay The Course!
The race is not given to the swift, nor to the the strong, but to him that endures until what? The end!
Stay The Course!
There are quitters all around you, but guess what? You're not one of them!
Stay The Course!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
We. Live, We Love, We Leave! A Funeral, A Wedding and a Baby Shower,
Yesterday I experienced life in all of its complexity. The sadness of saying a final goodbye to a loved one, the joy of a young couple's marital bliss and the excited anticipation of a new life soon to come. I was a spectator, and God profoundly spoke to me through each of these events. Of the funeral, He said, "why are they sad? Don't they know?" Of the wedding, "this is heaven on earth!" And of the baby shower, "the blessing is the ability to procreate, how carelessly we handle this gift".
I thought to myself, "this was way too much "life" for one day". Actually, it is exactly as it should be! We live, we love, we leave!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Celebrating Life!
Today I celebrate the life of a loved one that has transitioned from this life to the next. You see, I understand that, for those in Christ, death is simply leaving this earthly body, with all of its aging and aches and pains, behind and being set free from all of the cares and concerns of this life to be with God in heaven.
as the angels rejoice, so do I! will my loved one be missed? Of course, but knowing where he is makes all of the difference in the world. The world says, I lost a loved one. I say, he is not lost, he just went back home.! Today, we celebrate Robert W. Smith, Jr. and It Is Well Indeed!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Write The Vision!
And the Lord answered me and said "Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it for it will surely come, it will not tarry!" Habakkuk Ch 2:2-3
Notice here, the Lord answered, "write the vision!". There is power in writing it down! Once you write something down it becomes a material, physical, manifestation. What you write becomes real!!
Have you written your vision? It doesn't have to be something as grand as for your whole life, how about your vision for today?
If you think you don't have a vision, pray this:
Lord open my eyes, that I may see, the vision that you have created just for me!
Notice here, the Lord answered, "write the vision!". There is power in writing it down! Once you write something down it becomes a material, physical, manifestation. What you write becomes real!!
Have you written your vision? It doesn't have to be something as grand as for your whole life, how about your vision for today?
If you think you don't have a vision, pray this:
Lord open my eyes, that I may see, the vision that you have created just for me!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Who Are You? Ask Yourself!
This morning, I asked myself this question, "Gigi, who are you?" and while I won't bore you with my answer, suffice it to say that I was surprised by the answer I received. So let me pose the question for you, "who are you?", have you ever asked yourself that question? If not, let me suggest that you give it a try.
If the answer you receive surprises you, or you realize that you are not who you want to be, then change may be in order. I know that talking to yourself has been frowned upon, however hearing from yourself is normal and immensley beneficial, especially if you listen with your heart and not just your ears, because the "self" knows all of your hopes, dreams and aspirations!
If you are unhappy with the answer you receive you have a choice, you can silence the self and continue unhappily on or you can begin the process to change! If change is your choice, reply to this post! As you have heard me say many times, "you can always choose again!".
If the answer you receive surprises you, or you realize that you are not who you want to be, then change may be in order. I know that talking to yourself has been frowned upon, however hearing from yourself is normal and immensley beneficial, especially if you listen with your heart and not just your ears, because the "self" knows all of your hopes, dreams and aspirations!
If you are unhappy with the answer you receive you have a choice, you can silence the self and continue unhappily on or you can begin the process to change! If change is your choice, reply to this post! As you have heard me say many times, "you can always choose again!".
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