Friday, November 22, 2013

Relationships Have Benefits! - It's Not Just Who You "Know"!

It has been said, "it's not what you know, but who you know that matters" I will take that even further and suggest that it is not just who you know, but who you are in relationship with that really matters. Take into consideration, from the beginning of time, mankind has been relational. The bible states "and God said, let "us" make man in our own image. So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him. Male and female he created them. Had we not been created for relationship, he would not have created "them". So, for relationship, we were created. Granted, to be in relationship with someone, you must first "know" that person. However, relationship goes beyond a mere introduction and a handshake. One definition of the word "know" is to understand from experience or attainment. How about this one, to have intimacy or intercourse with? Puts a whole new spin on this knowing thing doesn't it? Relationship involves connection and affinity. So ask yourself, of all the people around you, are you in relationship with these people? Or do you just know them on a superficial level, like an introduction or a handshake. The definition of relationship is the state of being related, connected or bound to someone. A specific type of kinship or a better one, a passionate attachment. Instead of just getting to know this one or that one, consider creating deep and lasting relationships. It is not enough to be surrounded by people that you know. Surround yourself with those worthy of relationship! And reap the benefits!


Unknown said...

Thank you GiGi! Your article is so insightful. We often let so many unworthy people in our circle.

Coach J Dianne Tribble said...

As I read your article, I was reminded of the fact that, "No man is an island." GOD did not call us to do life along. Deep-lasting authentic relationships are so rewarding. Thank you for your article. I enjoyed it.