Yesterday while sitting on the patio at work, I looked up and saw a huge eagle soaring through the sky. I say soaring, but he was actually gliding. It was a beautiful sight! He was extremely high and had his wings fully extended. It seemed that his wing span was a mile wide. As I watched him glide on the wind, it occurred to me that he was not flapping his wings! He was not actually doing anything other than allowing the wind move him through the sky.
While watching this, God gave me a revelation, in order for the eagle to reach the altitude which allowed him to soar on the wind, he must have had to work pretty hard to get up that high. Yes, there had to have been quite a bit of flapping going on as he took off headed to the sky. But, because he had put in the work on the front end, or should I say low end, he was able to glide effortlessly among the clouds!! Yes, he was designed for soaring, built to fly! But he still had to flap!!
So what about you, are you ready to mount up on wings as eagles? Are you putting in the work in order that you might soar? Look up, There is room enough to soar for everyone! You just have to be willing to put in the work.
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