Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

It was thanksgiving eve and all through the house, everyone was stirring, including the mouse. the house was all filled with the scents of the meal and the thoughts were all centered around the stomaches to fill. A little taste here and a little sip there, had to make sure that the flavor was fair.

The cider was boiling and the pies were baking, the wind was blowing and the trees were shaking. Family had come from near and from far, finally at home, and no longer in the car. Thanksgiving day was almost here and there's no better time for friends and family dear.

We sit and we laugh, we sit and we share. We reminisce about those no longer there. Tomorrow we'll gather, count our blessings and give thanks and pray for those less fortunate or that lack. God has been good to us, let's find a way to give back. Get on the phone and call someone, find that one alone or with no home. One more place at the table, because you are able.Share what you have and more blessings abound, the more you give away the more to be found.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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