Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Running From What?

After a long, exhausting weekend of basically chasing my tail, I had an aha! moment. Every weekend, I start on Friday, looking for something to do to keep from being home, alone, in front of the TV. I call my friends and family searching for someone to do something with me. I usually end up riding around doing much of nothing and spending money I really don't have to spend. Today, I asked myself this "Why is it you can't be at home, alone and be at peace? What exactly is it that you are running away from?" The more I thought about it, I realized that being at home had become an irritation to me because I didn't like being alone and I had allowed some things to get out of hand. Instead of running away, why didn't I just change the things I didn't like? AHA! can I actually change the things I don't like about being at home? You bet I can. So here is my experiment, this weekend I will stay home. Friday night, I clean house, with music, instead of the tv. Saturday morning, make myself a nice breakfast with eggs, crossoints, fresh fruit, coffee and juice and serve myself on the patio. I will take the day as it comes. If something to do presents itself, then I will go with it, if not I will spend the day praying, reading, studying and catching up with myself. What I will not do is have conversations with people that I really don't want to talk to, I will not stress myself out, to the point of wanting to run away, over things which I have no control. And, I will have a great, restful weekend!

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