Monday, June 27, 2011


This morning I had an occasion to get really upset over something my son is doing. But today, instead of getting upset and allowing the enemy to win, I made a conscious choice. I choose to pray and let God handle this one. So right here, right now I surrender the care and concern that is trying to steal my peace over my son, up to you Lord. May your Grace and Mercy cover him. May wisdom be his friend. Because I know that there is not anything too hard for you, I release him into your care. Thank you for giving me peace right now, in the name of Jesus. Lord, I know that he does not even recognize the direction that he is going, but you do. The snares and traps that the enemy has set for him will not prosper. I trust you Lord. I know that you are well able to keep that which I commit unto you. I thank you for the peace that passeth all understanding.

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