Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Elephant In The Room Part 2

A couple of days ago I blogged about the elephant in the room and it's still there. Yesterday I forced myself to stop walking around pretending that the elephant wasn't there by having a conversation with one of my fellow associates about the elephant. We talked as women, we talked as mothers, we talked as human beings. When I introduced her to the elephant she said,  "this whole mess makes me sad!" "Why sad?" I asked. Because, she said "there were two people involved and they were both wrong, of course Zimmerman was wrong, he shot an un armed teenager, but Gigi, why didn't Trayvon just go home?" My answer to that was "only Trayvon Martin knows the answer to that question and he is forever silenced, but I imagine the reason he didn't was because he had every right to be where he was, doing exactly what he was doing, perhaps he didn't go home because he was
"Standing His Ground". To that she was silent. And the elephant got smaller.

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