Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Elephant In The Room

There is a heaviness in the atmosphere. Some are dazed, some numb and sadly enough, some are elated. The majority of "us"  are angry. We go about our day trying to have a sense of normalcy. But deep in our hearts we know, things will never be "normal" again, or better yet, this is the new normal. We are all living in fear. Fear of living in this world we have created and fear of our lives, as we know them, being taken away. Remember this is life in an upside world, where wrong is right and right is....well, you know. The biggest case since The infamous OJ Simpson trial and there has not been one comment from my co-workers, some of whom I have worked with for almost 20 years.  The elephant in the room? The verdict! No matter where you stand on this issue, in someone's opinion, you are standing on the wrong side. They say "Lady Justice" holding the scales is blindfolded because justice is blind, perhaps she covered her eyes because she did not want to see how we would mishandle her beloved justice. There is an elephant sitting in the middle of the room, every room and he has tears in his eyes!  So do I! 

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