Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Groundhog Day

Have you ever had one of those days when you had the uncanny feeling of having done all of this before? You know what I mean, like in the Bill Murray movie Ground Hog Day? In the movie, Phil Connors, played by Murray, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again. The first time I watched this movie it blew me away! I said, "that's exactly how I feel, like I'm living the same stupid day, over and over again!" In the movie, Connors tries to take advantage of the situation to his own hurt, but for me, I made a decision, that everyday I would do something that I did everyday, in a different way. Basically, I broke my routine! You see, I had unconsciously fallen into a self imposed rut! I was on auto pilot and my life had become boring and mundane.  Once I became conscious about what I was doing! I was able to change my day and my outlook! Something as simple as changing the route I took to work, gave me different view and along with it, a different thought process.  How about you? Are you stuck on Ground Hog Day? Are you living a boring and mundane existence? Do you need help getting unstuck? Time to get "conscious"! Call me, I can help! I've lived this one already!

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