Thursday, December 12, 2013

Where Are You Today? Accomplished, Accomplishing or Send Help Now!

Where are you today? Have you accomplished your goals? Or are you any closer to accomplishing them than you were last year this time? If not, ask yourself this: what has hindered me or held me back? Once you discover what is was or God forbid, still is, for the remainder of 2013, work on banishing these things or people from your life for ever! If, by the grace of God, you managed to accomplish your 2013 goals, congratulations! Now look around for the one that is saying, "Lord, send help now", the one that is still struggling and for the next two weeks see what you can do to help that person cross off a few items on their to-do list! It will bless their life and yours as well! We still have almost three weeks left in 2013. There is still time, if you're willing. And why would you not be, willing that is?

1 comment:

Coach J Dianne Tribble said...

This was written from the heart of a Life Coach! Thank you so much for sharing. I will be on the lookout to see who I can assist in finishing this year strong as well.