Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Defeating The Spirit of Busyness Part 2

"In his writings, a wise Italian says that the best is the enemy of the good" -Voltaire

This morning I had yet another epiphany! The above quote came to mind as I sat in quiet reflection. It gave me another reason to defeat the spirit of busyness. As I consider my life, my daily goings and comings, I realize that I am involved in a number of really good things. My career and work as a credit union marketer, my service to my church, my continuing education, my involvement with the FCCA and countless other activities are all good things. However, when I evaluate these things in light of what truly brings me joy, I realize that as the quote above states, the best really is the enemy of good. Let me explain, God has a plan and purpose for my life, that is the best. The problem is that I allowed fear to stand in the way of fulfilling that plan. Instead of moving forward toward the things that He was calling me to, I retreated back to the things that were comfortable for me, all those good things. You see, none of these good things, with the exception of Algebra (and I wouldn't excatly consider that one of the good things, only a means to an end) were challenging to me. These came natural.  Therefore, I busied myself with the good. Which, for a time, sufficed. But in the meanwhile, I gained weight, My skin broke out, my relationships suffered and I was miserable.  The plan and purpose of God, taunted me, called to me and loomed like a spector. The best is the enemy of good because behind good is where I chose to hide. Today, I commit to, as my GPS puts it, recalculating my route. How about you? Are you forsaking best, to work on good? Does the spirit of busyness have you convinced that you are already doing enough? Or is your plan and purpose calling you to something more? Hmmmm....      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many of us have found ease with relying on (busying ourselves with) what's comfortable and good enough versus trying to achieve greatness and our Best. I've seen friends divorce because they settled for the good enough husband/wife. I've seen others feel dissatisfied/stuck due to good enough jobs. It's easy to become complacent but this is a good reminder. Thanks!