Sunday, March 24, 2013

And The Rain Kept Pouring

It rained all day yesterday! And I was out in it! Because I had to be out and about, I bemoaned the rain! "Why doesn't it stop already!" I whined and complained! The traffic was bad, there were accidents everywhere ...and yet the rain kept pouring! I finally made my way home, exhausted and soggy! Once inside, I put on my pajamas, my fluffy robe and my socks and made myself a cup of tea.
I sat down with my tea and my book and looked outside, the rain was still pouring, but somehow it look differently from inside. I was dry, warm, comfortable, safe, and at peace on the inside. Gone was the complaining, whining tirade.  But it was still raining on the outside.

Using the rain as a metaphor for life, it is possible to remain warm, comfortable, at peace and safe on the inside when it is raining on the outside, or better yet, when all hell is breaking loose in your life? is it possible to be at peace on the inside, in your heart and mind?

I think the answer lies in the way we view the rain. Consider this, the rain is temporary. As are many of the difficulties in life. Even when the rain comes, we still have choices, we can entertain the rain by choosing to go out and about or we can wait it out and let it pass! Same in life, because as we know "this too shall pass and trouble don't last always!"

The blessing is, you get to choose how to handle the rain! How do you choose to handle the rain?


Unknown said...

Thank you GiGi for that last week was a difficult week. Just felt like there was so much I just couldn't handle anymore. I just have to keep my faith and stop worrying about what's going on. Just put it in Gods hands is what I need to remember.

Coach J Dianne Tribble said...

This is what I got out of the post: Get your attitude dressed properly for the rain and then your attitude won't get wet and grumpy. Thanks so much for sharing.