Thursday, March 28, 2013

Don't Kiss The Pig!

Have you ever kissed a pig?  I know most of you say you haven't, but you have! For me, kissing a pig is a metaphor I use for the things I know I shouldn't do, but end up doing it anyway! For instance, the piece of chocolate cake left over from the party. It beckons you, literally calls your name! Here 's where the metaphor kicks in, If you tell yourself, self, don't eat the cake, and you leave the room, unless someone else beats you to it, ten minutes later you will eat the cake! Next time you're faced with cake, try this on for size, say to yourself, Don't Kiss The Pig! That piece of chocolate cake doesn't look quite as appetizing does it? Sometimes it works. BTW a pig's snout isn't half bad! I did say, sometimes it works!

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