Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Grace And Mercy Abounds!

As I sit here putting pen to paper, well, actually...let me re-phrase that. As I sit here, putting fingers to keys and words on the screen, I know that grace and mercy abounds. The reason I know that grace and mercy abounds is because for the fifth time, yes, fifth time, I entered a college classroom and took my seat. I was able to enter that doorway again because it had not been shut. God had left it open for me because He promised to give me the desires of my heart. College degree? Way high on the list! Notice I said the door was left open, I still had to walk through it! I still had to put forth the effort and the energy to show up! Faith without works is dead!

As I sat there, I could see her smiling, cheering me on! Saying, "you can do it G, I have faith in you!"
Who is she? My mother, you see, He made a promise to me, and I made a promise to her, one I intend to keep! By the way, He is also giving her the desires of her heart!

What are your heart's desires? What has He promised you? Claim the promises of God and receive all that He has for you!

Because He is no respecter of persons, grace and mercy abounds for you as well!

Writers write!

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