Monday, March 25, 2013

Still Standing or Standing Still?

I am grateful that my feet are firmly planted and I am still standing! As soon as I wrote these words, I heard this "are you still standing or are you standing still?" Is there a difference I asked? Yes, there is a difference. In this context, to be still standing means that although you have endured many tests and trials, the wind has blown and the billows have rolled, you have maintained your vertical stance and are still upright. Standing still, on the other hand, means that there is no movement or progression, you are in a fixed position. Perception is everything, While I am grateful that I am still standing, this is not my season to stand still. I am moving forward towards all that God has planned for me, How about you? Do you know what season you are in?  Are you still standing? better yet, are you standing still?

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