Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Look Within, There is Greatness There!

There is greatness in you! What? You didn't know? Think about it for a minute, you have the ability to bring new life into the world. Is that not greatness? You get to mold and shape the future with your heart and your hands? Is that not greatness? Who told you that you were less than? They lied! Was it you? Have you convinced yourself that you can't? There is greatness in you and the sooner you recognize it the better your life will become! Come to think of it, the better the world will become. We are waiting for it! What are you waiting for?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I worry about my daughter everyday with her special needs. Last week as I washing the dishes it came to me that God has a plan for her. She's going on 2 mission trips this summer. Albany,Ga and Jamaica this is her plan to share her story and to spread the love she has in her for The Lord and helping others. I started to cry I new then she would be fine.God answered my prayers. She will be fine.God is AWESOME.I am so proud to know him and for him to be part of my life.