Sunday, March 17, 2013

We. Live, We Love, We Leave! A Funeral, A Wedding and a Baby Shower,

Yesterday I experienced life in all of its complexity. The sadness of saying a final goodbye to a loved one, the joy of a young couple's marital bliss and the excited anticipation of a new life soon to come. I was a spectator, and God profoundly spoke to me through each of these events. Of the funeral, He said, "why are they sad? Don't they know?" Of the wedding, "this is heaven on earth!"  And of the baby shower, "the blessing is the ability to procreate,  how carelessly we handle this gift".

I thought to myself, "this was way too much "life" for one day". Actually, it is exactly as it should be! We live, we love, we leave!


Coach J Dianne Tribble said...

I really enjoyed this blog. What a picture of the life line (backwards)! You endured it all. Praise God!

Coach J Dianne Tribble said...

I really enjoyed this blog. What a picture of the life line (backwards)! You endured it all. Praise God!